USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC, V2L 3G7
Tel: 250.563.7771 | Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641 | Fax: 250.563.0274
Williams Lake Tel: 250.398.8248 | Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248 | Fax: 250.398.6218

USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC,
V2L 3G7

Phone Numbers
Prince George:
Tel: 250.563.7771
Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641 
Fax: 250.563.0274

Williams Lake:
Tel: 250.398.8248
Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248
Fax: 250.398.6218


USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC, V2L 3G7
Tel: 250.563.7771 | Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641 | Fax: 250.563.0274
Williams Lake Tel: 250.398.8248 | Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248 | Fax: 250.398.6218

USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC,
V2L 3G7

Phone Numbers
Prince George:
Tel: 250.563.7771
Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641 
Fax: 250.563.0274

Williams Lake:
Tel: 250.398.8248
Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248
Fax: 250.398.6218




The United Steel workers have a long and proud history in Mining throughout Canada and the United states. In 2002 the IWA merged with the United Steelworkers to increase the strength of both Unions to expand our ability to represent the membership and encompass all the necessary tools needed in today’s global markets to achieve the best collective agreements and improve on the safety of our work sites.

United Steelworkers Local 1-424 formulary IWA Canada has been representing workers in the Northern part of the province for over 60 years. Local 1-424 is one of the largest geographical USW Locals in Canada representing thousands of workers in the forest sector, transportation, contracting and Mining.

In the North the USW Local 1-424 represents 320 members at Endako Mines in Fraser Lake BC after a successful Union organizing drive and 330 members at Wolverine Mine in Tumbler Ridge BC which was previously a CLAC operation. Quintette Mine is gearing up to resume operations after closing in August 2000. Quintette is expected to employee 450 members when in full production late 2012 early 2013. In 2010 the Local Union setup a satellite office in Down Town Tumbler Ridge for use by the committees and Business Agent which is complete with all the necessary office supply’s and equipment.

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Wolverine Agreement (7.6 MB)
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Date: 2017-03-02 15:00:50
Endako Agreement 2013-15 (2.4 MB)
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Date: 2017-03-02 14:59:26
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Date: 2015-12-11 14:37:59
File Scanned at 07/13/15 17:05:17 (110 KB)
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Date: 2015-07-13 17:05:17
BoardDecisionBCLRB_No._B106_2015.pdf (1.4 MB)
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Date: 2015-06-10 13:12:35
TECK_Q_Collective_Agree.1.FINAL_OCT30.pdf (1016 KB)
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Date: 2015-04-30 12:48:40